Monday, 11 March 2019
Sang Melulu
Friday, 1 March 2019
It's 2.22am in a night shift. My smile teared. I promised to myself not to ask questions before thinking. Or I must do whatever to rebound or accept any consequences.
I asked Allah for strength. I forgot to ask for a big hearted.
I asked Allah for forgiveness. I forgot that I will receive any bad things to recover them.
I choose to be a better person by time, but I forgot that a human created with forgetful nature.
When life gets hard, I found guilty to tell which human things that I felt burdened to.
And the lyric of the song appear whispered to the inner ear nerves silently,
"Allah rindu mendengarkan rintihanku berpanjangan, bersyukurlah dan tabahlah menghadapi ujian yang diberi."
Ok then, are you okay there? Just take off the phone, talk to your heart, speak to the Owner of The Whole Creature. You'll be fine 😊
2nd March 2019
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